Brides for Bachelors

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Welcome to the first of the Brides for Bachelors trilogy.

I’m really excited about this trilogy, as it’s the first time I’ve written a series of stories, with connecting heroes, on purpose! I often get heroes or heroines from one story to walk across the pages of another, just for fun. And sometimes a secondary character from one story has taken root in my imagination, and grown until I’ve had to give them their own story. But when I pitched the outline for “The Major Meets His Match”, and described the opening scene, my lovely editor at the time pointed out that the men involved in that event probably all had stories of their own to tell, and why didn’t I think about writing a linked series from the outset?

The minute she suggested this it was as if a light bulb went off in my head. I had already had a few wispy tendrils of thoughts about back stories for these heroes, and had wondered whether to follow them up, one day. But the suggestion of planning linking stories for them, from the outset, made so much sense I couldn’t wait to start writing them.

I do hope you enjoy this first in the mini-series as much as I enjoyed writing it, and will want to find out what happens to Major Jack Hesketh’s friends next.

PS – if you are already one of the group of readers who enjoy spotting heroes from my other stories wandering across the pages of books that aren’t theirs, then I hope you enjoy the cameo role I gave the hero of my very first publication from Harlequin Mills & Boon…and have a little giggle at Aunt Susan’s predictions about the kind of bride he is likely to marry.

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Book 2 of the Brides For Bachelors mini series will have a different look in the US, the UK, and Australia, though it will be available to purchase in paperback or ebook format.

He’s just announced their betrothal – now there’s no going back!

The Marquess of Rawcliffe has always found his feisty childhood friend Clare Cottam enthralling. Forbidden by her strict father to pursue a relationship, he’s kept his distance. But the couple is embroiled in a heated argument that puts Clare’s reputation in danger, and Rawcliffe is forced to declare her his fiancée! It will be his pleasure to tame his independent, innocent bride…

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The final instalment of the Brides for Bachelors miniseries is available in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The heroine, shy Lizzie Hutton knows her height and clumsiness alone make her a debutante to avoid. Until she meets tall, strong and striking Captain Harry Bretherton, who takes a surprising interest in her! Their intense chemistry makes him hard to resist—if only it weren’t for the secrecy around his past…

All three books in the miniseries "Brides for Bachelors" are now available in Sweden and Norway.


All three books in the mini series are now available in Italy.


"Brides for Bachelors" is available in Poland.


"Brides for Bachelors" is available in the Czech Republic.


"Brides for Bachelors" is available in Japan. "The Marquess Tames His Bride" was the 200th title for the HQ Historical special series.


The anthology, "The Eligible Rake" is available in Australia. Contains the stories, "The Major Meets His Match", and "The Marquess Tames His Bride".

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